Welcome to the Partner Portal Release Notes. This page serves as a running list of new features, fixes, and improvements that will be added to the Partner Portal over time.
June 2024
Product Registration
Coffee and Consumer Packaged Goods consumer-ready products registered in the Fair Trade USA Partner Portal are showcased as Climate Pledge Friendly on Amazon’s website.
December 2023
The Portal homepage has been redesigned to offer a better and more intuitive experience for partners. A task list has been introduced to consolidate items that need review, with overdue tasks flagged by a red caution symbol. Red bubble notification indicators have been added to navigation tiles with pending tasks. Help Center resources are now more accessible, located on the right side of the task list and navigation tiles. Lastly, the navigation bar has been reformatted to group menu items by relevant categories.
January 2023
Price and Premium Search
The Price and Premium Search is now available in the resources section of the Partner Portal. Users can easily search and filter products by product characteristics, location, and Fair Trade premium and price rates.
December 2022
Fair Trade Academy
The Fair Trade Academy provides Fair Trade USA Certified Producers with access to courses and educational content on Needs Assessments, Premium Project, and more. Partners can watch videos or download PDFs within each lesson and search or filter for specific information.
November 2022
Transaction Reporting
We’ve launched a major upgrade to enhance functionality for all our partners and make data reporting easier. Now, partners can edit in-progress reports directly within the Portal’s reporting interface, upload various file types (not just CSV), choose their products from a list of Fair Trade Certified options, and select their Fair Trade supplier or buyer from a list of certified partners, among other improvements.
December 2021
Premium Project Tool
The Premium Project Tool is available to Fair Trade USA Producers and FLO Recognition Program Producer partners. It allows them to easily report details about their premium projects, such as the purpose of the project, who benefits from it, and how the funds are spent.
July 2020
April 2019
Product Registration
- Users can now designate when they are registering a product for a subsidiary brand.
- This feature was developed for users who manage their Fair Trade USA and other compliance efforts for a large organization that may have many subsidiary brands.
March 2019
Transaction Reporting
- Our system now accepts an expanded list of CSV file encodings. The major benefits of this are twofold: users will receive fewer errors when they upload their transaction reports, and the system is able to interpret a larger variety of characters.
January 2019
Product Registration
- Additional guidance and help text has been provided to help users understand what a "Product Line" is when they begin registering a new product
December 2018
Updated Privacy Policy
- Our Privacy Policy was updated to clarify how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information. The updated Privacy Policy is effective December 2018 and can be found at https://www.fairtradecertified.org/privacy-policy and is also referenced in the Partner Portal Terms of Service.
- With this updated policy, we have taken steps to clarify the following:
- How we collect and use your personal information
- Our methods for protecting your personal information
- How you can update your information or opt-out of communications
- Rights to access or restrict processing of your personal data if you are located in the European Union
November 2018
Account Settings
Account Settings was launched and includes the following major features:
- Users can navigate to Account Settings by clicking on their name in the top navigation menu bar
- Users can view and edit Personal information such as email, mailing address, password, and email subscriptions
- Users are prevented from opting out of a Product Registration and Transaction Reporting emails if they are the last Contact on the Account to be opted-in
- Users are prevented from opting out of Standards Updates emails if they are the last Contact on the Account to be opted-in and if their Account is required to receive updates about that particular standard
- Users can view and edit Account information such as DBA, website, and billing address
- Users can view other Portal Users on their Account and request deactivation on behalf of other team members